Longridge Town Council Casual Vacancies

12th of January, 2024



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Three casual vacancies are deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for Longridge Town Council, 2 x Alston Ward and 1 x Dilworth Ward.

Rule 5 of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006, provides that on a casual vacancy occurring in the office of councillor of a parish, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if within fourteen days after public notice of the vacancy has been given in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, notice in writing of a request for such an election has been given to the proper officer of the council of the borough within which the parish is situate by TEN electors for the electoral area in which the vacancy has occurred.

The Proper Officer is the Returning Officer, Ribble Valley Borough Council, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA

Gill Mason

Longridge Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Please send an expression of interest to the clerk at clerk@longridge-tc.gov.uk or to Longridge Town Council, Longridge Station, Berry Lane, Longridge, Preston, PR3 3JP.